We turned Bucks County blue for the first time in 33 years


Last night we witnessed voters across the country send a resounding message that it’s time for Trump and his Republican apologists to go. Hamilton Campaign Network is proud to have been part of this movement by leading winning Democratic campaigns in Pennsylvania and Westchester.

 In Pennsylvania, we served as the main consultant for the Bucks County Democratic Committee and several of its candidates and last night, we turned Bucks County blue for the first time in 33 years! We won a majority on the County Commission, swept all four other county executive department offices, and won 2 out of 3 county judge seats. We also swept the Lower Makefield and Warminster Township Supervisor and Centennial School Board races for which we served as digital consultants – and helped build a campaign plan for all 175 local candidates. These vitally important victories will resonate into next year. 

 In New York, Hamilton Campaign Network elected Vedat Gashi to the Westchester County Legislature, District 4. Vedat ran on a platform grounded in our Democratic ideals - opportunity and justice for all, investment in our communities and protecting our environment. He is the first Albanian-American elected in Westchester and only one of four in the nation who ran for public office this year. We are excited to have been part of making history once again and wish Vedat great success. 

 As Democrats, we also rejoice about victories around the country, particularly in Virginia and Kentucky, as we continue to work towards a blue wave in 2020 – all the way to the White House!